Let go of fear and step into your POWER

Meet Rachel

Welcome! You’ve come to the right place. 

You’ve decided to finally invest in yourself. You want to find a therapist who “gets you”. You’ve been to some weird ones before that you really didn’t connect with (sidenote- we’re all weird) and know this time it needs to be different. 

Because what you really want is…

A REAL person who understands you. You don’t want a therapist who just nods as you struggle to make sense of your thoughts and feelings. You want a therapist with whom you connect from your very first meeting. You want someone who sees you for who you are, who is your cheerleader and guide as you sort through the good, bad and ugly.  

Maybe you’re an overachiever who wants to be the best version of yourself. Maybe you’re angry and frustrated with how hard you’re working and still unhappy. Or your stress and anxiety has reached a critical level and you can’t go on like this. Perhaps you’re not afraid of the challenge and ready for change but just not sure where to start. Whatever brought you here, you’re ready to do the work no matter how scary it may be. You want someone who is willing to take the journey with you. 

I see your struggle. You know you’re pretty kick-ass and are ready to live that life 24/7. You’re done being the “good girl” who puts everyone else first. It’s your time to shine. It is my passion and honor to help women just like you step into your strength and power, to find the connection you desire and fulfill your dreams. 

You belong here. You are stronger than you think. 

You are a BADASS!

Rachel Burleson east Dallas therapy walk talk therapy White Rock Lake

What it’s like working with me

Therapy with me is like going for a long walk with your friend and having those deep life conversations (like, we can literally go for a walk). I’ve been told I’m pretty down-to-earth and have a knack at really seeing my clients. I “get” you because I am you. I don’t pretend to be the all-knowing sage with the answers (I wish), but I will help normalize and validate your struggles. I will be by your side to help you gain insight, clarity and reach your goals.   

I’m not your typical therapist (I know, that’s what all the therapists say). You get my honest, authentic, imperfect self, willing to question and hold you accountable and willing to be wrong. You know yourself the best. I won’t ever pretend to know you better than you do. However, I will call you on your BS when needed. 

Rachel Burleson east Dallas therapy walk talk therapy White Rock Lake

What you will learn In therapy

  • Develop compassion for yourself and embrace your imperfections.

  • Rewrite your internal narrative and let go of the negative ones that have held you back from fully embracing life. 

  • Be mindful when fear, anxiety and perfectionism try to run the show, and show them who's BOSS.  

  • Replace perfectionism, busyness and numbing with healthy habits, strong daily rituals and communicate clear expectations and boundaries

  • Tell your inner critic to F- off. You can sit with those thoughts and emotions without spiraling or allowing them to define you. 

You can finally free yourself from what has been holding you back, free to take up space and dream BIG, free to create the life you DESERVE

I got you! Let’s do this!

Click the button to learn all the fascinating details about my education and credentials.

Are you ready to invest in you?