Walk Talk Therapy 

What people think therapy looks like…

 There’s nothing wrong with laying on a couch and talking about your dreams and childhood memories.

But imagine your therapy session surrounded by the beauty of nature, out in the fresh air and bathed in sunshine. Instead of staring awkwardly at each other, we walk side-by-side, lowering anxiety, increasing our feel-good brain chemicals (hello, dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins), deepening our insight and fostering creativity.

Rachel Burleson east Dallas therapy Lakewood therapist walk talk therapy White Rock Lake

benefits of walk talk therapy include:

  • Increases body-mind connection

  • Physical movement allows our minds to process difficult emotions and experiences

  • Walking encourages your brain to change and grow by forming new neural pathways, a process known as neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity allows healing and growth to occur.

  • Reduces depression and anxiety

  • Increases connection in the therapeutic relationship

  • You don’t have to make awkward eye-contact, which actually can allow us to be more open and vulnerable

Wait! I have some questions…

Is walk talk therapy right for me?

I personally would like all my sessions to be outdoors. I am a strong believer in the healing power of nature. Walk talk therapy is one of the greatest self-care activities you can gift yourself. That said, it is not right for everyone. People experiencing severe grief or trauma may not find it safe or comfortable to feel like they’re falling apart on the trail with other people around. We will meet in person or virtually for our initial session and discuss if walk talk therapy would be right for you.

what should i wear?

Wear comfortable clothes and walking shoes. We usually cover 2-3 miles during our session, so dress according to the weather. Layers are always a good idea. Sunscreen, sunglasses and a hat or visor is also recommended. Extra points for a wearing a funny pack.

What about confidentiality?

There is a chance that someone may overhear our conversation as we pass by. Or maybe we run into a friend or neighbor. If one of us sees someone we know, we simply say “hello” and continue on. No one knows we’re in a therapy session. We just look like two friends out for a walk having a deep and meaningful conversation. I haven’t had a client concerned yet.

what if it rains?

Yeah, that’s happened. We live in Texas where the weather is… well, you know. If we know the weather will be especially bad, we can choose to meet in the office or virtually. We can also find a covered spot and still enjoy the healing benefits of being in nature, listening and watching the rain. We can also live dangerously and just get wet. It’s your call.

Do I have to do walk talk therapy with you?

Absolutely not! Some people cannot imagine being out in the open while lowering their guard and tapping into their vulnerability. That’s OK! I offer office visits and virtual sessions using a HIPPA compliant version of Zoom.

Can i bring my dog?

Yes, please! Of course, it does depend on the temperament of your dog. Reactive dogs may take time and energy away from our work. And while I love dogs, this is your time. I know a great dog behavioralist if your pup has her own issues to work through.