Unleash the power of your femininity

Reclaim your sensuality

For generations women have been doing it all. We are socialized and encouraged to be everything to everyone. We are daughters, mothers, wives, employees, entrepreneurs, caretakers, and more recently, boss bitches.

Media has sold us an ideal image of what we should look and act like and has all the products and programs we need, if that doesn’t come naturally.

  • We’re supposed to be sexy (but not too sexy).

  • We’re praised when we’re accommodating (but don’t be a doormat).

  • And the implied message is that our bodies are here for men’s enjoyment… and to sell products (but don’t be a slut).

Many of us have a woman’s body in our early teens with no instruction manual.

All of this leaves us either:

A) Scared and avoidant of our bodies and sexuality, fearful of what God, our parents or society may think of us, Or

B) Making awkward, misguided and sometimes detrimental attempts at exploring the power of our femininity and sensuality.

The messages are confusing.

And no one talks about it.

We spend our lives comparing, worrying, judging and often feeling like we are not enough.

Fuck that!

Somewhere in the all the rules and messages handed down to us from family, society and media we have completely lost touch with how powerful we really are.

Let’s Change that!

This is not sex therapy.

This is a unique opportunity using movement to explore and connect with your powerful sensual, feminine energy in a safe, nonjudgmental environment, while also being able to discuss the messages you received about your role as a woman, your relationship with your body and the pressure to do it all.

This is not about sex.

This is about reconnecting with yourself and your power. This is about looking in the mirror and not seeing the roles you have been assigned, but recognizing your divine femininity.

This is about taking back control, whether is was stolen from you, or you gave it away because you thought it would get you the love and connection you were looking for.

Are you ready???

“Like a wild flower; she spent her days, allowing herself to grow, not many knew of her struggle, but eventually all; knew of her light.”
Nikki Rowe